How do you prioritize your mental well-being while also caring for your children?
Anita Y:
My boys are 21 and 23 now so I don’t need to care for them, but I do need to guide them sometimes. So I guess I have gone through the worst of it. I have time for myself now to do the things that I want to do. When they were little I made sure I had regular outings and phone calls with friends who had the same age children. It was fun for them and great for us mums.
Anita H:
For me, exercise is great for my mental health; I play netball each week with a great group of women, we've been together for about ten years now and I love the social element and connection with my team as much as getting a sweat on. I love to run too - if that means taking the kids with me so I can still get out for run then that's what I do. When they were little, there were two in a double buggy and one on a bike, but now they're bigger they can run with me which is cool. Not so cool is that fact that two out of three are now faster than me!
When my son was 4 months old and my daughter was 3; I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression. I have been taking antidepressants every since (20 years now). I tried unsuccessfully to come off of this medication half a dozen times before my GP wondered if I should just stay on them. So I did, and it made a huge difference to my life and the life of my family.
I asked my family for help and received a lot of support from my parents who visited regularly and helped raise their grandchildren. I did feel guilty for many many years about not being the mum I might have been without the depression, but over the years I have got better at appreciating aspects of my parenting and how hard I worked against the depression which tried to hold me down. I have been to counselling and receive regular ongoing supervision (which is a professional requirement) which has helped a lot.