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Digital gift card

Gift Card Information
Characters count: 200
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We’ve made it easy for you.

The perfect gift that will always delight! Our digital gift cards are automatically emailed to a person of your choice. Send it straight away or schedule for another day, along with a personalised message. They can be redeemed online or in any Max store.

Please note: Max Dollars cannot be used as payment for any gift cards.
Max Dollars cannot be earned on the purchase of gift cards.

We’ve made it easy for you.
  • Do digital gift cards expire?

    Yes, digital gift cards are valid for 24 months from the date of purchase before they will expire.
  • Can I use my digital gift card in-store?

    Yes you can, just make sure you bring the unique code and a copy of your digital gift card in-store when you want to use it.
  • Can I earn Max Dollars on purchases using my digital gift card?

    Yes, the recipient of the digital gift card will earn normal Max Dollars on any eligible orders placed using the gift card as payment.
    However, you will not earn Max Dollars on the purchase of gift cards.
  • Can I send a digital gift card to someone's email?

    Yes, you can. In the fields above you can enter the recipient's email address to make sure this is sent to them directly, as well as include a personalised message for them to recieve with the gift card.
  • Will any sale or promotional pricing apply to the purchase of gift cards?

    No, gift cards are not included in any sales, offers or promotions. The gift card will be worth the amount it was purchased for.
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